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News #5
New Payment Method
Jan-21-2025 08:29:13 AM
The NEW Official Trump Meme Token has arrived!
Now available as a means of payment, it's more than just a meme—it's a movement. Be part of the future of decentralized finance with a token that represents freedom, fun, and financial power.
Don't miss out, join the revolution today!
News #4
Revised Capital Return Schedule for Starter Portfolio
Aug-25-2023 12:30:43 PM
In response to feedback from our valued investors, we have carefully evaluated our capital return process and have made some positive changes to the schedule.
Starting 26 August 2023, we will be implementing a revised capital return schedule for our Starter Portfolio. We understand the significance of timely returns and the impact it has on your investment strategy. Therefore, we are reducing the time limit for capital return from 1 month to 2 weeks (bi-weekly) for our Starter Portfolio option.
Here's a quick overview of the revised capital return schedule:
1. Starter Profits Portfolio: Bi-weekly Capital Return
2. Elite Earner's Portfolio: Monthly Capital Return (No Change)
3. Prime Profits Portfolio: Quarterly Capital Return (No Change)
The change in the capital return schedule for the Starter Portfolio is designed to provide you with quicker access to your returns, enabling you to reinvest or manage your funds more efficiently.
News #2
Commitment Takes Action
Dec-31-2022 05:54:58 PM
At AB, we're invested in being a responsible firm”both in how we act and how we invest on behalf of our clients. We believe that ESG research, engagement, immigration, Real-Estate and integration help us better assess risks and identify opportunities, ultimately leading to enhanced decision-making and better client outcomes for much better ways to maximise profits.
The industry expertise of our investment team is important to developing an understanding of material ESG issues. Moreover, AB's Responsibility team complements the investment teams research and engagement issues. The Responsibility team members have domain expertise in E, S and G issues, which can be used to challenge the investment team thinking and equip our fundamental analysts with tools and training to consider ESG issues where applicable.
News #1
Our Investments
Dec-23-2022 07:03:57 AM
Active engagement is integral to our investment process. By meeting with companies and pushing for meaningful progress, we can proactively manage risks and opportunities arising from climate change, and help tackle global emissions, with the aid of our classified AI bots we're able to meet up with each of our investors percentage returns of investment.
Investment strategies committed to net zero will ramp up their already extensive engagement with issuers for insight and action, catalyzing emissions reductions by encouraging them to commit to climate action, report greenhouse gas emissions, set emissions-reduction goals and make their own net zero commitments in alignment with 1.5 degrees Celsius.
News #3
Our Operations
Nov-3-2022 01:53:42 AM
At AB[AlphaBernstein], we ask the same things of ourselves that we ask of the companies we invest in. We’ve tracked our own corporate emissions since at least 2012, and our climate beliefs have factored into our decisions to relocate to more energy-efficient buildings in Toronto, Canada and Canada.
When it comes to our own emissions, we’ll follow the principles of avoid, reduce, replace and offset: We’re working to place 85% of our employees in greener workspaces by 2025, helping avoid emissions from less efficient buildings. We will also consider the use of renewable energy to cover our remaining operational energy needs.
We can further reduce our footprint by implementing composting and recycling programs in our offices and by inviting employees to participate in sustainability initiatives through our Employee Wellness Group. Only when emissions can’t be avoided, reduced or replaced will we consider offsets from reputable, quality-assured sources.